And Eat it TooMark introduced me to a great song that goes a bit like
"When I go fishing for the words
I am wishing you would say to me,
I'm really only praying
That the words you'll soon be saying
Might betray the way you feel about me."
"Lucid" DreamsI've been having the weirdest dreams - mixes of movies and RL that shouldn't belong together. It makes me wonder why i even want to sleep at all with all the people and things that seem to come out from it. it's rubbish though, so no hard feelings.
Crash Deuxso i broke my car again >_<
it's not cool but is cutting down on the amount i smoke
because mom still drives the mini-van
They don't really tell him what they're going to do with him
until a day or a few hours before he's deployed off to do it.
The phones are expensive as hell out there, so he's only been able to get out
one phone call, and the internet cafes are $5 an hour which sucks because
the only times he's been able to send me a pm have been when I've been at work.
He sent my grandmother a singing camel in the mail.
hopefully it will get here before she leaves for TX.
Drive-timeI'm basically going to travel a million miles on the 30th and 31st.
On the 30th, after I get off work, because i am caught up in this situation that
just seems to be amazingly addicting, i am driving down to Nashville to see a
wonderful person
for 12 hours of bliss,
then i'm driving back to evil
going to work for four hours
then catching a plane to texas