Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Riding Shotgun

So here I am. Sitting in this car with a leather interior listening to Adventures in Odyssey. Thank satan the windows are down. If you didn't grown up in a protesant family, you probably never had to go through listening to this.It's a program for children put out by Focus on the Family. Again, if you didn't grow up in a protestant family, you've probably never heard of this organization. It's headed by "Doctor" James Dobson. This whole group is a left over part of the Reagan hayday and the Moral Majority. Basically what I'm saying is that this is a horrible car ride.
The situation is I drove up to Indy so that my dad and I could drive to Cinci to move his stuff out of his apartment. When I got to my dad's he threw a piss fit over me not wanting to drive in his car because of the leather seats. What could I do?
I got fucked. And have to listen to a full car ride from Indy to Cinci of good ol' Christian values. I think I'm driving to Bloomington as soon as we get back to Indy.
My father is a sneaky son of a bitch.
I'm just trying to keep myself occupied with this blackberry.
I swear to god that wasn't a guiding star the three wise men saw.
It was a GPS guided missile that was burning light into the sky.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Keith Mann

Animal Voices - From Dusk 'Til Dawn: An Interview With Keith Mann
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Comrade, Don't Look For the Past in that Bottle of Jameson

Let's get our acts together.
Stop downloading so much porn and
a little bit more about how to change this country.

Here's an email that Jared Paul, a great human, wrote me a while back.

"stay mad. not at them. but mad at the stupidness of it
all. they're gonna tell ya that it's bad to be angry,
but it's not; i'm about as happy as a guy can be...
lucky, had a not rich, but still LUCKY life...
regardless, if you care about other people and the
earth, and you've got your eyes open, you SHOULD be
angry. don't be angry at them. be angry at It. keep
it tucked away in your gut like plutonium. it'll clear
things up when ever tap into it."