Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nicolai Lilin

Translation incapable

I leave to go to basic training in 5 days. 
As i'm writing this, I'm sitting in my good bud Wu-Tain's Harlem apartment.  
I am 840.4 miles away from where I've lived most of my life; where my friends are; where I've loved so much,
and now that I am returning to that place, I feel that it is time to move on. 
It is time to go. 

Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent, leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.

Enough of that.
The hilarity on this trip was epic
As were the lessons i've brought back. 
There were a good many situations that Wu-Tain
helped me out with while in the field. 
Riding through New York traffic though-
that will always be why I love this place. 
It's like flying a fighter jet. 
When I can't do anything else,
I'd love to be a NY bike messenger. 

Friday, August 12, 2011


"I'll get through this sentence like the subject and a predicate."

For the lolz