Sunday, December 25, 2005

busting out x-mas cheer at 9 in the morning

i think the best xmas gift i recieved was a metalic-blue motion mug which i immediately took downstairs to my room and filled with a bit of smirnoff.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

they won't let me stock at work because i "don't put stickers on right"

and that is why i'm cooler than you. nothing new's really gone down. my dad decided to stop contributing any finacial aid to me the other day - another reason not to leave town which isn't anything i wanted for x-mas.

i forgot to put a dvd in a library case that i returned. damn

Saturday, December 17, 2005

"I am not a terrorist, but as consumers, we are collectively."

i am in indianapolis right now typing on a keyboard that isn't registering well which makes me have to type a little bit harder on the noisy keys. this is bad because i kind of want to make a theft's exit so i don't have to talk to the male-half of my immediate family, which isn't really a bad thing but rather more of a joke because i want them to have to guess at where it was i had to go. funnier than that is the fact that i am 24 minutes late for leaving this town and going back down to my job that i kind of hate and kind of hope gets robbed, but here i am still typing on my blog because of ADD medication that kind of makes me a moron. However, here it is: last night i had a dream about a past relationship - the kind that went down the drain and couldn't be fixed. I was omniscient; watched it like a tv program as the plot thickened and i was struck down as a sick man, but for some reason the characters united for no reason at all and things seemed perfect at last until the main character got lost in a sewer and things were proven not to be perfectly everlasting.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

yes. yeeeaaassss

from our loving friends at Get Your War On