Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sleeping every other day

i'm so tired with so much to do today
it sucks and I don't want to do it but I'm starting to do things a different way
a way that makes me do things that i don't want to do
because I usually don't
but that doesn't really groove well with people; it doesn't float.
I'm starting to think that I am though
because I've been up a long time
and of gravity, i'm becoming less sure.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

After watching the film
i went outside for a cigarette
with my black hood up and sat on
the steps leading up to the stone path
from the street while drinking a mt. dew.
while just thinking about the current
set of happy but troubled mishaps
I looked across the street and saw
a beautiful white cat peering out at me
from behind the electricity meter out-front
the shrubbery of the house there.
I didn't want to scare it away
it was a beautiful cat
like an ideal that is impossible
so there I sat.
thinking about
it watching me watching it.
then after looking across the blvd. at it
for the length of the bottom half of my cigarette
I realized that it wasn't a cat.
it was nothing at all
just the white house and the shrubs
in the shape of a cat
that was never there

Go watch it

The Rachel Papers (1989)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

being sick

i don't know what it is, but I've been feeling a bit ill for the past few days. That's a lie. I know exactly what it is, but I just don't know how to explain it.
the only word i can come up with is

I have 3 bags of clothes to go to GoodWill

well, it's 5:33 in the morning and I've got the time and state of mind to think the thought "wow. I am an asshole." So i do.... And that is where my brain stops working because I am tired, and it's time to take my mommy to work.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

shoo shad

I've had a good few days, riddled with the newest bad movies.

NOTE: go to music store and buy a $60 equalizer

Monday, June 20, 2005

I'd rather be working for a paycheck, then waiting to win the lottery

I will give some advice that I do believe to be cross-cultural

do not eat egg salad with salt after drinking

the two do not find eachother to be suitable when mingling in the night club called your stomach

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Found a cd and skipped

let's see if I can't stop writing in th...

Friday, June 17, 2005

Thanks to Lindsey's aim profile for the quote

"And Jonah stood up and said 'God darn, man! If somebody doesn't die, all thirteen of us are going to die,'And he jumped overboard, and he was drowned."

-H. Mullin, April 1973

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

only my left middle finger

so I drove down to maple mount and saw one of the greatest concerts. It was a cello and piano concert of a friend of mine. She played amazingly. Then on the way back to evansville I lost control of my car and spun into a big ditch.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

my dad won't stop singing the mickey mouse club theme song.....

Saturday, June 04, 2005

don't feel too butt-fucking special

well gang,
I'm leaving you all
and I won't be back ever
if by forever I mean
one week or a bit more from today
i'll miss some of you
and some of you not so much
so it's time for me to go
but not really go
because I'll still have my cell phone
which is how I talk to most of you

Thursday, June 02, 2005


The Trelas now has a WEBSITE

I'm not going to lie to you. This page might change your life because of how much ass it rocks.

The Trelas
  1. The A Special Friend (Retarded Guy)
  2. Cover:(Spiceguys) Wannabe(feat-Ben)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I don't even have to say anything. anything i say to play on the satire of this would be cliche >_<<

May 26, 2005
Judge: Parents can't teach pagan beliefs

Father appeals order in divorce decree that prevents couple from exposing son to Wicca.

By Kevin Corcoran
of the Indianapolis Star(
Call Star reporter Kevin Corcoran at (317) 444-2770.

An Indianapolis father is appealing a Marion County judge's unusual order that prohibits him and his ex-wife from exposing their child to "non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals."

The parents practice Wicca, a contemporary pagan religion that emphasizes a balance in nature and reverence for the earth.

Cale J. Bradford, chief judge of the Marion Superior Court, kept the unusual provision in the couple's divorce decree last year over their fierce objections, court records show. The order does not define a mainstream religion.

Bradford refused to remove the provision after the 9-year-old boy's outraged parents, Thomas E. Jones Jr. and his ex-wife, Tammie U. Bristol, protested last fall.

Through a court spokeswoman, Bradford said Wednesday he could not discuss the pending legal dispute.

The parents' Wiccan beliefs came to Bradford's attention in a confidential report prepared by the Domestic Relations Counseling Bureau, which provides recommendations to the court on child custody and visitation rights. Jones' son attends a local Catholic school.

"Oh, it gets worse">"There is a discrepancy between Ms. Jones and Mr. Jones' lifestyle and the belief system adhered to by the parochial school. . . . Ms. Jones and Mr. Jones display little insight into the confusion these divergent belief systems will have upon (the boy) as he ages," the bureau said in its report.

But Jones, 37, Indianapolis, disputes the bureau's findings, saying he attended Bishop Chatard High School in Indianapolis as a non-Christian.

Jones has brought the case before the Indiana Court of Appeals, with help from the Indiana Civil Liberties Union. They filed their request for the appeals court to strike the one-paragraph clause in January.

"This was done without either of us requesting it and at the judge's whim," said Jones, who has organized Pagan Pride Day events in Indianapolis. "It is upsetting to our son that he cannot celebrate holidays with us, including Yule, which is winter solstice, and Ostara, which is the spring equinox."

The ICLU and Jones assert the judge's order tramples on the parents' constitutional right to expose their son to a religion of their choice. Both say the court failed to explain how exposing the boy to Wicca's beliefs and practices would harm him.

Bristol is not involved in the appeal and could not be reached for comment. She and Jones have joint custody, and the boy lives with the father on the Northside.

Jones and the ICLU also argue the order is so vague that it could lead to Jones being found in contempt and losing custody of his son.

"When they read the order to me, I said, 'You've got to be kidding,' " said Alisa G. Cohen, an Indianapolis attorney representing Jones. "Didn't the judge get the memo that it's not up to him what constitutes a valid religion?"

Some people have preconceived notions about Wicca, which has some rituals involving nudity but mostly would be inoffensive to children, said Philip Goff, director of the Center for the Study of Religion & American Culture at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

"Wiccans use the language of witchcraft, but it has a different meaning to them," Goff said. "Their practices tend to be rather pacifistic. They tend to revolve around the old pagan holidays. There's not really a church of Wicca. Practices vary from region to region."

Even the U.S. military accommodates Wiccans and educates chaplains about their beliefs, said Lawrence W. Snyder, an associate professor of religious studies at Western Kentucky University.

"The federal government has given Wiccans protection under the First Amendment," Snyder said. "Unless this judge has some very specific information about activities involving the child that are harmful, the law is not on his side."

At times, divorcing parents might battle in the courts over the religion of their children. But Kenneth J. Falk, the ICLU's legal director, said he knows of no such order issued before by an Indiana court. He said his research also did not turn up such a case nationally.

"Religion comes up most frequently when there are disputes between the parents. There are lots of cases where a mom and dad are of different faiths, and they're having a tug of war over the kids," Falk said. "This is different: Their dispute is with the judge. When the government is attempting to tell people they're not allowed to engage in non-mainstream activities, that raises concerns."

Indiana law generally allows parents who are awarded physical custody of children to determine their religious training; courts step in only when the children's physical or emotional health would be endangered.

Getting the judge's religious restriction lifted should be a slam-dunk, said David Orentlicher, an Indiana University law professor and Democratic state representative from Indianapolis.

"That's blatantly unconstitutional," Orentlicher said. "Obviously, the judge can order them not to expose the child to drugs or other inappropriate conduct, but it sounds like this order was confusing or could be misconstrued."

The couple married in February 1995, and their divorce was final in February 2004.

As Wiccans, the boy's parents believe in nature-based deities and engage in worship rituals that include guided meditation that Jones says improved his son's concentration. Wicca "is an understanding that we're all connected, and respecting that," said Jones, who is a computer Web designer.

Jones said he does not consider himself a witch or practice anything resembling witchcraft.

During the divorce, he told a court official that Wiccans are not devil worshippers. And he said he does not practice a form of Wicca that involves nudity.

"I celebrate life as a duality. There's a male and female force to everything," Jones said. "I feel the Earth is a living creature. I don't believe in Satan or any creature of infinite evil."

It's horrible, but they way that this whole situation is messed up ENTIRELY - the fact that in my mind it's impossible for me to comprehend how this judge justified this ruling - is kind of refreshing in a sense not unlike smelling some new horrible smell. I mean, this judge MUST have gone to law school..... right. I mean, you have to have a degree in Law to be chief judge of the Marion Superior Court.... don't you? I mean, they just wouldn't let people without any education get that position....right?