Wednesday, November 09, 2005

hip-hop as a minor

there haven't been any real updates in my life because i work in a beauty supply store which has various fumes in it that get my high during the course of my 8 to 11 hour shifts, which means that i forget about things even thought they are important - things like kait and i getting in fights over dead skin, my brother and i hanging out in rl, my mom and i not talking, and so on and so on. But right now, all i want to do is play video games and, a bit later, my viola because it's so nice coming back to a room of silence with angry glares, and making noise loud enough to drown out the protest


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're partly right about the fumes in that beauty shop being able to affect your memory. Being busy can also be a reason. The most important reason for you must be your viola. I know how music can drown out everything.

6:16 AM  

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