Thursday, October 20, 2005

maybe it's because i'm dead

here at iu i am again. teeth sore because i didn't sleep last night and my teeth like dirty dancing with each other when i go without sleep. i just need to keep up not eating solids with milkshakes. so i guess that means no more steaks.
sooo tired. two hour drive up here. one and a half hours of studying material i've had months to go over. two hour test. 46 questions and 7 essays. all hand written. i've got a blister on my right index finger, and yes. it will linger because of luck so awesome it is only mine.
i've been thinking of doing a double major. concert performance on the viola and something that has to do with hip hop. i just can't really get into listening to other music anymore. watch out world. here i come armed with a viola and a beat machine on my 6 year old laptop with a broken screen.
i am a machine


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