Friday, June 05, 2009


Walking around downtown typing this blog.
Hung out at Hammer Heads. Everyone thought I wad drunk.
Dropped my drunk cousin off at home.
Was upset.
Talked about my friend's abortion.
Went to Hammer Heads.
Went to the Peephole.
Watched Night At The Museum with the Mum.
I don't know how to feel about keeping my morals and also playing a realistic character.
The character he wants me to play works in the meat dept. at BuyLow.
Read over a script Kevin wrote.
Went and recorded/played some music with Ben.
Took Jess back to Grammer's.
Jess got a headach.
Went to get sushi afterward.
Oliver pottied on his shirt.
Went on a dog walk with Laura and cuz Jessica and the dogs Chainsaw and Oliver.
Woke up again.
Fell asleep.
Took my mom to work.
Got home after a heavy night of drinking.
I run off of failed hopes and boozes.


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