Sunday, February 12, 2006

at least a post-it wasn't involved

a rewrite of last night-
I came home around 11. oops for not going to denny's. i completely forgot. anyways, i got back to find my mom and older brother still up. david was still dressed in his adorable army jogging suit. i looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes were all puffy and red, still damp and my nose was runny. i didn't really want to talk to my mom or brother, so i just went straight into my room, but they had already caught on to me being there. not a minute after i close my door, david walks in with an obnoxious "hey big guy." that's what our dad has refered to us as for all of our lives and probably will for the rest of his too. so i turn toward my book shelf, not really wanting to experience the awkwardness of the first "you okay?" from him. but he finally sees me and takes the unexpected turn.
"you see the new video game I got... with your big glazed over red eyes?"
"okay, big guy. hahahha"
my brother is such a douche bag.
but it's all good.


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