Thursday, April 28, 2005

T - K - O

wow. I never actually thought that i was considered to be a loser by my peers, but today has made me a skeptic. I mean, I've known that all my close peers do not really see my views as having validity because of the jester-like role I've come to fill within our "circle" I guess you could call it, and that never really mattered to me. But today- today was bad. I don't think I've ever been passed off by so many people in one day who were not of the kindness to even disguize or make their excuses seem believable.
Oh well, my red head homie still loves me, and red hair makes up for all of the brown and blonde haired bitches. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.
In other news, the "crap your pants" week is over and appearently I didn't enough so to make me get everything done. So fuck.


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