Sunday, May 11, 2008

On the Road

"Oh, what a mess your boy has made," I told my mom on Mother's Day.
"Yeah, I goddamn know," is what I wanted her to say, or something similar.
Something that would make sense given the circumstances.
But all she said was, "you're okay. If they're gonna be bitches, they're gonna pay for it."

Battle gets back in a few weeks for a two leave from war.
How odd is it that we live in a civilization that goes to
war, then sporadically sends them back into a peaceful environment for
a week or two? Wouldn't you think that it would fuck with them a little?
Wait, no. The fucking with isn't stemmed from giving them leave
from bullets and bombs and then putting them right back in the thick of it,
it comes from the concept of war in the first place. Conflict resolution.
Come on now. Sign up.
The first time Battle came back, he bought a gun just to feel safe walking around.
He was walking around the park and I ran to catch up with him.
He almost shot me.

there we were
here i am


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