Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why does my left eye hurt?

Let's go over how we got to were I am.

It all started about 2; right after I was out of work. Constant Panic Attacks. Andrew picked me up and we drove. This guy I know told me that Lambrusco was an okay wine, and we took his advice.
And so we sat in the hot, bright sun. Look left... Look left.
I'm afraid that's when I saw a good idea.
Ever drink a bottle of cheap wine and get excited about something dumb?
Unfortunately, the good idea didn't seem to follow through.
The higher I climbed, the more intoxicated I got,
which is when I got unexcited about climbing this really unstable ladder.
After I got down, we walked toward Andrew's car... where we deliberated.
It was a pretty good idea.
When we reached my apartment - a full block and a half away - we decided walking would be a better mode of transportation. So we walked downtown and came upon this. We felt amazing that we had set a trend.
But walking around downtown got old very fast.
So we got back in the car.
This is about the point I decided to get bad ideas again.
Then again.
And maybe one more time, but with a bad camera man.
So we went to Jeff's, which was way more boring.
Then bad ideas, this time with more people, entered my mind.
But what the hey.
It's all good.


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