Monday, June 04, 2007

Poor and Something

The other day i woke up to something small walking around inside my ceiling. The type of awakening that makes you feel like you've already been awake for an hour or so. I get out of bed and walk into the other room, where the scurrying around from the thing inside of my ceiling follows me. Then the scurrying stops. So I sit down on a folding chair in my living room. I am naked. The scurrying starts up again, so I empty out a small box and figure that I'm going to have to catch a rat. At this point I still have about an hour and a half until I have to be at work, so I'm psyched for the challenge. The scurrying goes on until the sound moves toward my climate unit room. It's a little closet that does not have the lowered ceiling in it, which meant that when the little animal that was running blindly about my ceiling ran over that room, it fell right the hell into my closet. We were now on the same playing field. So I open the closet and start moving misc. music junk out of it. Violins, guitars, music stands, ect. Then I see something scatter about behind the climate control unit, and then I see it fly the hell out of my closet. There was a bird in my apartment. At this point, without thinking, I start chasing the bird all around my kitchen, at first with a small box, then a giant 2 ft. tall champaign glass. I am still naked at this point. Finally, I grab a blanket from my living room right as it flies past me and down my entry hallway. I throw up the blanket and nail it, trapping it underneath the blanket. At this point I decide that it's a good time to take a breather and put some clothes on and some gloves. As I walked out of my apartment to release the bird, it strikes me that I should have taken pictures of this whole event. I even almost went back up to my apartment and let the bird go again, just to do so, but then I looked at the bird. It looked back at me. I let it go. Feeling good, I walk back into my apartment building, through the claustrophobic entry room, and figure out that when I put my clothes on, I didn't think about putting my apartment keys into my pocket as to not lock myself out. I locked myself out.


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