Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Vomitting tok papers out loud

distincting an ideal from what is real
+Last night i was thinking about Theory of Knowledge while stabbing myself slowly in the eye of thoughts of college and govenment.
+I came to the conclusion for myself that humans have evolved themselves into a hybrid reality of how things should be (ideals) and how things are (reality).
+In deciding this, because the nature of the assignment is subjective, I completely abandonded the concept of reality being equally as subjective as ideals - which is just as plausible as the notion of that concept's importance.
+So, because of the two opposite realities which humans - in my perception - exist, there is an inherant polarization, to a certain extent, of thought seen when cross refrencing cultures.
+This polarization of thought is also seen throughout cultures but as more of a variation of the initial thought excepted by the individual's society. (This claim is purely based on simulations played out in..... ::i know this feeling. it's that motivation thing kicking in - ADD medication.... here goes ideal imbalance of my defined two realities:::
I hate government, eng10, and all english classes in high school


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